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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-25 of 50 results.
[NaruHina, NejiHina]
Just a cute one-shot^~ nothing specialX3(excuse my english, please^^)
And her heart felt lighter, as she remembered his face. For a moment she no longer wished she was Sakura, she didn’t wish for attention or acknowledgement.
A continuation to Buried Secrets. Kodi vows to never love again...but the new addition to the dog team may make him break his vow.
this is about a guy i have a major crush on...
Dear comrades, this is my first English-language fic! Fanfiction about Rath’s bad day.
This is comedy.
i did this when i was bored, this doesnt makes any sense
I haven't figured out a name for the story yet, so this default title shall do for now. :D

Anyway, this is just a snipet of my web of thoughts surrounding a particular group of characters I created.

Hmm, I've got this idea going, and I have a few chapters of it down, but I'm not sure if I'll go through with it. I trash a lot of ideas. So, don't be surprised if the next sample of writing I put up is totally different.

And no, I do not have a title for this story. It will remain nameless until I find one.

Any critique and comments are highly appreciated.
[Republic Commando, post Hard Contact] The clone commandos contemplates the simple things as Omega Squad prepares for their next mission onboard a luxury liner.
Strange things have been taking place caused by the darkness and the cruel beings that live within it. Sora, Donald and Goofy must fight against the heartless joined by some new characters Princess Kita, Ti-Day and Ni-Ne Nite. Appointed by King Mickey t
A poem about the guy i like.
What happens when The Weasley twins meet two mages that are just like them. read and find out. This is my first story, so please don't be mean.
It will have bad langue later on.
It's a poem about a dear friend and my Ex-bf
After stealing the Rose Orb, Brendan finds himself in quite a situation. Now he must save himself and his friends from Team Aqua. Who are they? and why exactly do they want this Orb?
Recollections of a troubled past that might not have ended as well as it did.
A sort of dark, questing lance into the places few dare tread alone.
I feel strange about these poems, read them at your own risk.
This is what you get when you deny someone the only thing they ever cared about.
So close to the edge you can see the pit below.
Something hopeless and odd, I can't explain it.
I don't know why I can't write about anything other then rot and loss.
But that's how it is, so deal with it.
Just some poems I wrote.
Finally, it should display now
Testing out some possible story lines.
A collection of depressing poetry born of nightmares I suffered.
Charrie Descriptions! =D
Miss J's Wonderland is a really strange story I came up with all of a sudden... Don't take it too serious!
It's about Miss J's adventures inside her magic wardrobe!