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So today...

Blog Entry: So today...

Blog Entry: So today...
Posted by: Hobz_the_destroyer
Posted: March 5, 2008, 5:08:01 PM
Mood: relatively content
Eating: Cigarette-butt flavored pretzels
Drinking: crappy caramel starbucks
Currently: screeching like a bat
Listening To: Tokio Hotel: Übers Ende der Welt
Ah yes, where should i start off...
i should probably be doing my homework. Oh well! i'll do it later.
so today are teacher gave us our first assignment, it was to do a page of creative writing, based on the first sentance she wrote, " She saw a pool of blood" so bacicly we had to write that sentance and write a story after it. i wrote my story, i can't remember exactly how it goes, but i will try to remember.
She saw a pool of blood, and almost excactly she had relized what had happened. Tak (Tak is "she" Btw) looked beond the pool, to see if he could still be there. A gust of strong wind blew, almost enough to blow the wind out of her eyes. Then she could smell it, that strong Cinnamoney smell that always lingered on that green coat of his.("he" being Tom) Her eyes widened, as she stumbled a step back, she turned around only to see his face looking back at hers. His dark blue eyes, almost black, piercing her face with his cold hardened stare. She gasped and took a few more steps back. Fighting back her tears, she screamed "YOU DID THIS!! YOU IDIOT!" her voice began to shake, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT CONSIQUENCES YOU'LL FACE FOR KILLING ZEKE!!" as the tears streamed down her face, Tak kicked Tom in the chest, knocking him to the ground, as he went down, he dropped the knife. It went CLANG CLICK CLANG as it hit the ground. Tak swooped down past Tom and picked up the knife, she made a sharp turn behind Tom, grabbed him by his hair tilting his head back, put the knife to his throat and in a low voice said “don’t move.” (END)
not awesome, but remotely kool. it was funny, the teacher made me read it, but I only read up to "zeke" and she was like, "Wow! who's zeke?! what happened!?!" then she said if we ever get a creative writing assignment i need to finish the story.
So the in Biology we had a test, which I don’t know if I rocked or sucked, most of the answers I guessed because I didn’t know (it was a hard chapter!) but my guesses weren’t random, I did take time to think about them, which hopefully gives me a better chance at passing. The day before, she gave us an assignment, but I only did half of it, and today my teacher was like “So what happened to the other half of that assignment?” and I was like “ Oh! Well- I was doing it and then like- you know- and stuff” AND SHE JUST NODDED HER HEAD AND WAS LIKE “ oh okay. That’s fine, go sit down.” IT WAS AWESOME!! IT DIDN’T EVEN MAKE SENCE!!
So then at lunch I met up with Reno, and he gave me 5$ and told me to get him 20 Fizz (his favorite candy which Is 25 cents a pack) considering that I got him 20 Fizz the day before, I asked him why. He said other people saw him eating it, and they want some to. So he’s going to sell it to them for hecksa moneyz, and give me 1/7th of the profit! Sweet! I just hope if he’s caught selling candy in school, he’ll leave me out of it. at our school, selling candy is basically the same as selling drugs.
SO AT MATH..hehehehehe…(read February 24, 2008) so I been giving Tom the creepy “kill you” stare, OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WELL IT WORKED! Everyday he returns my stare with his own “cold hardened stare” (except sometimes he smiles, so it’s not as creepy) but I guess killing me with the coldness of his stare has become part of his daily routine. I think he got so used to it, he told one of his friends, because yesterday both him and his friends looked into my math class directly at me. BUT TOODAAYYY!!!! HE WALKED BY WITH 3 FRIENDS, ALL LOOKING STRAIGHT AT ME MIND YOU, (he looked like he was smiling, trying not to laugh) and as soon as they past the door, past where I could see them he yelled to his friends, “SEE?? I TOLD YOU!!” OOOOMMMMGG!!! IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!! HAAHAHA XDDDDD I was laughing so hard after that. Ahhh.
Well that was my day, and all I got for now.
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