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Chapter 7 - If Only You Knew

When Starfire is forced to leave Earth to go to war with Tamaran, Robin is heartbroken. Raven tries to comfort him, but her own emotions get in the way.

Contains some Robin x Starfire and Robin x Raven. Enjoy!

Chapter 7 - If Only You Knew

Chapter 7 - If Only You Knew
Yes, finally. By demands and threats (hahaha. Seriously.), I have written another chapter. Enjoy. Or ELSE! ;DDD[/font]"Auuughhh…" Robin groaned weakly, squinting in the bright light looming above him. Where am I? He pondered, aimlessly lifting his head off of the pillow set under him. He tried to recall what had happened. Fighting, that fog, falling, green… he felt lighter than he had an hour or so ago. His armor was off. Once again, he tried recalling what had happened. I hit those two men with my staff, a fog came, I fell, green… Green! Oh, god, she had found him. She found the team. The team! He shot up from his resting place, causing a sharp pain in his stomach. Gritting his teeth, he limped out of bed. Where are they? Where did they go? He appeared to be in a small, curtained stall, only containing the bed. Pushing back the blue curtain in front of him, he looked around. He appeared to be in a small infirmary. Cyborg? BB? Raven? Much to his bewilderment, he was the only one in the room. Robin winced. His abdomen was throbbing profusely now. Lifting his ripped shirt slightly, he beheld a bandaged wound that covered most of his right hip and lower waist. The bandage was bloodied heavily. Robin sighed. This wouldn’t be a fun one to heal. He started suddenly when the door to his left opened. Quickly covering his bandages, he looked towards the incoming visitor. "S-S-Starfire?" he choked out. Starfire smiled feebly. "Hello, friend Robin," she said softly, "Are you feeling better?" gesturing at his wounded side. Robin nodded slowly, still contemplating Starfire’s expression. She looked at him as if he were a child, her eyes filled with sympathy. It looked to Robin as if Starfire were older and mature, as if she had aged two years since he last saw her. She, too, was bandaged, only in several parts of her body, mainly her arms. She was wearing a tunic of some sort, completely unflattering on her slim figure. Her hair was tied carelessly up in a ponytail. Her shoulders sagged slightly, as if she was carrying a weight on her back. She looked sad as well. "Star, I can explain. We—" "As you might have guessed," she said, cutting him off abruptly, "we lost our war. Many were injured and all the more killed. This has been a major blow to our society." She paused for impact. "We knew the war would not last much longer when we lost half of our best armies. What we did not know, dear friend," she stared at Robin now, an unreadable look in her eyes, "is that we’d have… visitors." Robin bowed his head at this. He did not anticipate being chastised by one of his own teammates. "What makes you think you can come here uninvited and join are battle?" she snapped. "I asked you not to come! You knew you weren’t supposed to come! I didn’t want you or the team hurt! And now friend Raven is—" she stopped. Tears welled up in her eyes. Robin’s eyes widened in shock. "What, Starfire? What about Raven?" Starfire shook her head, backing up and sitting on a wooden stool behind her. She placed her head in her hands. "Starfire? What happened? Where is she?" "Robin, I—" "Where is she?" Starfire slumped and stared up at Robin with pleading eyes. "Raven is hurt. Bad." Robin felt a little relieved. At least she is living. That’s what matters. But suddenly realizing the reality of the situation, he stepped forward and placed his hands on Starfire’s shoulders. "Star. You need to tell me what happened. Now." He demanded in a low tone. "I need to know." Starfire wiped her eyes and sniffed. "She… she was… she fell. Just like the rest of you. When one of our soldiers saw you and the team fighting, they knew what they needed to do." She looked at Robin guiltily. "They had to… get rid of you. They didn’t know you were friends. So they threw the gas bombs and you all fell down, unconscious. A few soldiers called me over, and I saw you. I pulled you away from the battle and brought you here." She began to cry, her shoulders shaking under Robin’s hands. "I tried to find the rest of the team. I found that Cyborg and Beast Boy were safely in the castle already, taken in by Galfore and some soldiers. I saw Raven on the battlefield. But one of the Hertorones was already pulling her away. She was unconscious. I shot starbolts at him, but he wouldn’t stop. He… he stabbed her, Robin." She heaved a sob. "I’m so sorry. I tried to stop him, but I wasn’t fast enough. I finally retrieved her from that man and brought her to Galfore. I didn’t know what to do. Galfore said... he said…" she collapsed into sobs. Robin just stared at her blankly. Stabbed. She was stabbed. His chest felt like it was filling up with an unseen rage, consuming him. How could they let this happen to her? Starfire calmed down a little, her sobs quieting. She wiped at her wet face; her cheeks flushed from tears. "Galfore said she might not make it." She said quietly. Robin’s eyes widened. A moan of despair escaped his throat. No. "No!" Robin cried suddenly, tearing away from Starfire towards the door. He flung it open and ran blindly down the candlelit hallways of the close to wrecked Tamaranian castle. "Robin!" Starfire called desperately after him. "Come back! They will see you! They—" her call stopped. Robin felt a powerful hand grab him by the wrist and throw him to the ground. Starfire cried out behind him. "Ero, let go of him!" Robin’s captor released him, turning towards the approaching Starfire. "Who is this?" the man said in a deep, gruff voice. "This is one of my friends from the Earth planet, Ero. Please, do not harm him." Starfire replied warily, her gaze shifting from Ero to Robin. "Is this one of the group that joined our army without a permit? The ones who stole our armor and weapons?" he asked, casting an angry glance at Robin. "Yes. He wishes to speak with his friends." Starfire said, pressing her hands at her sides nervously. "Which one?" "The girl." Ero’s face softened, shaking his head with pity. "She has not awoken. She appears to be in a sort of floating trance." Robin felt a wave of panic. Raven had not entered her self-healing state since Beast Boy had morphed into a savage beast and hurt her. She barely got out of that alive. Robin summoned his courage and looked up at Ero. He was a tall, muscular Tamaranian man, with reddish hair that reached the middle of his back. He looked no more than 25. "Can I see her?" Robin asked politely, crossing and uncrossing his arms apprehensively. Ero nodded his approval, motioning for Robin to follow him. Robin got up and followed him down a dark corridor that seemed to have been untouched by the fire. Starfire trailed closely behind. They came to a large wooden door with a small window positioned on the top. Ero took out a key from his left pocket and opened the door.The room was very much alike to the infirmary Robin had been in, only it had no curtained stalls. There were beds lined up along the wall to the right. There were small shelves next to each one, stocked with boxes of bandages, medicines, and herbs. There were two windows at the end of the room, a dull light shining through the white panes. However, Robin paid no attention to the room. He stared straight ahead. Raven floated a few inches above her bed. She was still asleep, breathing softly. Her body was rigid and did not move. A bandage was wrapped around her waist and covered with blood, and another bandage around her forehead. "She must have hit her head when she fell." Starfire said subtly, staring sadly at Raven. Robin’s eyes filled with tears. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t of let her go out there. What have I done? Robin took a step towards the bed. Starfire put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "Let her rest, friend Robin. There’s still hope for her." Robin turned and nodded. She was right. She always had a way of making things just a little bit better. He smiled sadly. "It’s good to see you, Star." Starfire smiled back, her eyes holding a strange expression. "I wish I could say the same, but…" she looked towards Raven. "I know. This is my fault. I’m sorry." "No." Starfire said suddenly, grabbing Robin’s wrist. "Don’t say that. If anyone is to be sorry, it would be me. I have done wrong." Robin looked confused. "How? This wouldn’t have happened if I had listened to you and stayed at the Tower with the team." Starfire turned to face the window, gazing outside. A tear trickled down her cheek. "If only you knew."[/font]


Comments (3)

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Aqualass on November 28, 2007, 11:54:07 AM

Aqualass on
AqualassKEEP WRITING OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good story by the way!

TTfan1 on August 13, 2006, 6:11:06 AM

TTfan1 on
TTfan1WRITE MORE OR...Faves!!!!

scribbled_image on July 24, 2006, 6:37:44 AM

scribbled_image on
scribbled_imageErrrghh. I'm having trouble with the format, so until it is fixed, please bear with me. ;-;