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Chapter 3 - Kisses and secrets

Ravens dead. After 6 months of her death the Titans are seeing and hearing what seems to be Ravens ghost. But she has something to say to the Titans that might shed a little light on their lives that are falling apart day by day.

Chapter 3 - Kisses and secrets

Chapter 3 - Kisses and secrets

Title: Contact

Summary: Terra is back, Raven is still dead but talking to them(wierd) Kissyness and flirting, and Terra knows a secret and shes not about to tell it...CHAPPIE 5! R&R Please...

Authors Note: Okay, here it is. I know they are a bit ooc (out of character) but I guess its better that way. Gives the story more 'juice' ya know? Anyways...

Chapter 5

There was a knock on the door and Terra dropped her brush. She had been back for one day and was cleaning up her room, was getting herself back together. Her muscles were sore, her hair was stringy, and she was covered in dirt. She hadn't noticed that before and now when she looked in the mirror, she didn't like what she saw. Terra answered the door. It was Beast Boy standing there cooly with the cutest hint of a grin. He leaned against the side of the door frame.

"You comin' to dinner?" He asked, in his 'tough guy' voice. Terra smiled.

"Depends" She said "What are we having?"

"Don't know, don't care. Just as long as it ain't meat." He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Well then" Terra giggled "Still got the 'vegetarian' thing going on eh?"

"Yep, haven't eatin meat in 5 years."

"Cool, say, whens dinner starting? Its only four" She eyed him in a suspisious yet funny way.

"I-um..."BB couldn't find the right words and blushed. Terra moved out of the way of her doorway and opened the door, smiling sweetly.

"Wanna come in?"

"Sure" He walked in and after Terra, sat down in her couch. There was an awkward silence before Terra broke it.

"So.." She crossed her legs, rested her arms in her knees.

"So.." He was beating around the bush. Actually, he didn't really know why he was there, and tried to find a reason. Then the words spilled out of his mouth. "Why didn't you notice Raven wasn't with us" Terras eyes widened but BB didn't see, she cooled down. No, she actually cooled down, meaning she felt a cold spot right next to her, she shivered quietly and answered.

"I just thought she was still mad at me, you know, might be off meditating somewhere"

"No" He looked to the ground, feeling the cold spot too. "After you left, I was stupid enough to try and track down Slade myself. You know, try and show everyone else I wasn't a wimp. Well things didn't go well.." His voice trailed off and the cold spot went away.

"He tricked you" Terra said

"No, he controled me, with some sort of chip." He corrected her

"Oh.." Terra said softly "Beast Boy I'm sor-"

"Don't be," He said "It was my stupid mistake and my problem. But I'm over it. Mostly. I mean, it was a long time ago and we all got back to saving the city than standing here in our own self pity. Its okay" He smiled and stood up, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "I should go, I have to go to the...uh..thing" He started to walk away, half wanting to stay half wanting to go. Terra got up after him, and pulled him aside.

"Beast Boy..I.."Before she could finish she quickly, but passionatly, kissed him. A kiss that lasted well over 30 seconds, one that out little Beast Boy will never forget. He held on to her waist and kissed back while she held on to the back of his head and neck. There wasn't any 'tongue action' but a simple, affectionate kiss, that ment When she was done, he still wanted more, but stopped himself. He stepped back, wowwed by what just happened. His mouth was still open and they both blushed. Terra wiped her mouth while BB blushed.

"Terra, I didn't know you..I mean I did but" Beast Boy gulped and breathed in heavy. Before he could say more, Cyborgs voice came on the intercom.

"Yo, BB and Terra, will you get down here so we can eat?" They both blushed and walked out, holding hands.


"Okay, g'night" Terra closed her door and sunk to the floor. She breathed a deep breath and stood up. She resumed her position as she was before Beast Boy had come in earlier and started to brush her hair. A cool breeze went by and she froze. A bright light filled the room, and a figure apeared. Raven. It was her, but snow white, her eyes glowing.

"You didn't tell him" She said, without her mouth moving.'

"What was I supposed to tell him?" Terra said, beginning to brush her hair again as if nothing important was happening. Then she said in a sarcastic voice "Beast Boy, het how you doin buddy, see me and Raven have been haning around in the spirit world, hows about I tell you all about it?" She rolled her eyes and continued. Raven moved up closer.

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way" Her eyes narrowed

"Why don't you just leave, your not wanted. Beast Boys fine, he has me now. And if I were him I would forget all about you. Besides you scared them silly with your little ghostly tricks. So go home and cry to daddy" Terra was just being plain mean.

"I can't help it." Raven stated "Its not under my control. You know it too. You saw him"

"Well, I'm not telling Beast Boy, hes mine, so go put your mirror back together yourself"

"You know, you are a traitor, and when I come back, your off this team. I thought you had changed" Ravens figure got thinner."And if you won't tell him, I will" She hovered towards the wall and dissapeared before she seemingly went through it.

"Raven, NO!" Terra chased after her but it was too late and she ran into the wall. "Oww" She rubbed her head as she ran to BB's room. She stopped just outside of it and got herself together. Someone was walking down the hallway, shadows flickered on the walls. "Raven.." She said softly, but it was Starfire.

"Friend Terra! What are you doing?" Starfire walked up to her.

"I-Just, ya know takin a walk"

"Outside of Beast Boys room?" Star asked

"Um.." Terra stared at her "Yes" She said matter-of-factly. Or dead serious.

"Well, then" Starfire moved out of her way and down the hall. "Good luck with that" Terra waited until ashe was completly gone and knocked on his door.


Beast Boy got up and jumped off of his bed. He glanced over at his clock, it read 11:25.Who the hell is that? He thought as he opend the door. It was Terra.

"Terra?" He said, rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing up? Its like 11:30"

"Its not that late" She said "Look, about earlier, I don't know what came over me I-I just"

"Couldn't stand you were madly in love with me and liked having me around?" BB finished, grinning.

"I guess you could say that" She giggled "Wanna hang?"

"Actually, I wanted to sleep" He yawned and grabbed the edge of his door, ready to shut it.

"Um..Wait," Terra didn't want the end of the conversation to end there, no just yet.


"Your room seems clean"

"Yea? Well I did have it cleaned a while back." It was quiet for a moment and then he stepped back and closed his door a bit. "So...g'night...again" Terra stopped the door.

"Okay, The reason I came here is because, I got scared"

"Scared?" BB asked "Terra, you've seen scarier things than anyone cou-"

"No, I mean" She leaned down and whispered "I think the tower may be haunted"

"Oh that"

"So can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Woa Terra! I think we may be a little young.."

"No, I mean, you have a bunk bed right? Can I bunk with you?"

"Oh yes, of course" The walked in and Beast Boy jumped up to the top. Terra lay down on the bottom. For hours she lay there thinking. Thinking of how much she hated Slade. How much she hated herself, and how much she loved Beast Boy. She started to doze off when Beast Boy got up. She hadn't slept all night and he would want her to leave so he could get dressed. But she didn't want to leave. Didn't want to leave him there by himself. She knew Raven would reach out to him, and he wouldn't love her anymore. She pretended to be asleep and heard him walk out the door.

Beast Boy grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom. He changed his clothes and washed his face. It was still early in the morning, but he had a feeling he should be up. Just be up. Terra was sleeping and he didn't want to wake her up. He wiped his face and threw the towel on the hamper.Ugh! Its my turn to wash the towels He tought stuffing the towel further down. Hmmph, nothing a little I did it last week won't fix He touched the doorknob and got shocked.

"Ow" He rubbed his finger, it was different than a normal shock. Then he heard Ravens voice. At first he thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him. But it was real. The same way she had appeared to Terra, she appeared to him.

"Raven?" He walked up to her to get a better view, but she was fading fast. She didn't have much energy or time.

"Beast Boy" she paused, gathering more energy, the room became ice cold. BB shivered as she spoke. "I can't talk long, but you need to ask Terra about me."

"But Raven, how are you- why?-What about you" BB trembled with his questions, he was totaly blown away and in sort of a 'blah' mode

"I don't have time to explain" She faded so all you could see were her eyes "You need to ask her about me, about my coming back" she was gone but her voice lingered "It can be done" and she was all gone, the cold left and BB collapsed, for not apparent reason. It could have been everything drained out of him, so that Raven could manifest. It could be his sorrow for actions around Terra, when he knew Raven could have been standing right there. Or maybe it was because, he was confused. He felt like he had been in a battle, and sadly, lost. He got back up and washed the sweat from his face. He was about to give up and jump in the shower when Terra bolted in.

"Beast Boy, I have to tell you something" She said in a blur which BB didn't understand, but pretended he did.


"I wanna take out relationship further"

"What? Terra, I didn't know we had a relationship, I mean the kiss and everything was fanominal(sp?) But this is all so sudden" He didn't want to ask Terra about Raven, not yet. In fact he was still in shock from what happened and found the words were flowing out of his mouth. But the point is, he wanted to see if Terra had changed and if she would tell him.

"Look," she said, pacing a bit "I know its all like pow, but Beast Boy" she took a deep breath "I want to spend more time with you, I want to bearound you all the time, I don't know why I have those kinds of feelings, but I do, and I have to feed them, we have to feed them, together" Did she come up with this all night?

"Terra, I-"

"Just think about it okay?" she reacher out her hand and pulled him close, and all in one motion, she gently kissed him on the cheek and walked away. (Ohhhh!)


Sorry if I made Terra seem like a slut....But yea its the way the cookie crumbles and I stilll don't know how it should end..anyways I should have chapter 6 in about oh say about 2 to 3 weeks, we got tests and my math teacher won't stop giving us homework (like I do it...) tanky for reading.


Comments (3)

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odd on July 14, 2005, 6:06:11 AM

odd on
oddwrite more already >:(

Ravens_bad_side on February 4, 2005, 10:13:50 AM

Ravens_bad_side on
Ravens_bad_sideyour story is awsome! could you read mine? (your story kinda gave me the idea to have Raven die) I have 5 chapters written and one (realy short one)posted.