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Chapter 1 - The 2nd Lifeform Light

Sonic discovered a new lifeform at the Space Colony ARK, Light the Hedgehog. While releasing him, they soon find out that he is Shadow's brother.

Chapter 1 - The 2nd Lifeform Light

Chapter 1 - The 2nd Lifeform Light
[color=]A few years have past since Sonic and his friends gone back to their home planet and meet their vallien name Dark Oak the leader of the Metallix. Everything was save because of the little green girl name Cosmo who gave her life to save them all from the Metallix. Their planet is save again right before Eggman build a rocket for a kid name Chris just to send him home and maybe never see his best friend Sonic ever again. They got tired of losing a gather, so Tails invented a gate to the other side of the human world, Sonic try it and boom, he's in the human world again. Now Sonic and the others can come back any time, any where. Sonic saw Chris as an adult. Their glad to see a gather once again and everybody are happy to see them, but Shadow on the other hand wasn't surprise. He doesn't even want to cost more trouble in the human world after what he did when he was trying to get his memories back, then a course when he got all the Chaos Emerald just to give them to a black alien named Black Doom, the one who knew Shadow and the ruler of the Black Arms, but Shadow find out the truth and he lift his past behind him. Shadow stop him and he destroy the black comet with the Eclipse Canon and save them all from the Black Arms. it didn't matter to Shadow because after for all he did make's him wonder that he doesn't want to hurt more people. so he rather stayed in the world where Sonic live and never wanted to come back where Shadow is at Angel Island standing on a cliff when he heard a voices. [/color]
Rouge: hey, Shadow! [/color]
When he hears that, he turns around and looked at Rouge with a sad face. [/color]
Shadow: oh, hi Rouge. [/color]
Rouge walk up to him and she was about to say something to Shadow. [/color]
Rouge: Why you'[/color][color=]re setting there by your self, Shadow? [/color]
Shadow talk back to her. [/color]
Shadow: oh nothing, it's just for some reason I feel so lonely. [/color]
When she hears that, she set near him figure out what's wrong. [/color]
Rouge: why you feel so lonely, I'm here and your other friends in this world and maybe some people you know from the human world, so why do you feel lonely. You're not afraid b[/color][color=]ecause of the people, are you?
[/color][color=]Shadow: a course not, it's just for all the trouble I cost made me think these people are afraid of me. [/color][color=]
Rouge felt sorry for him, she put her hand on his back and pitying him.
Rouge: oh no, what made you think that.[/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: because do you remember Cosmo, she was afraid of me cause I almost try to kill her, then when I was trying to figure out my past, Black Doom almost try to rule planet earth because I help him collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds for him. so I don't want to go back to Station Square while people get scared of me.[/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: well, when Sonic & Knuckles get back from the Space Colony ARK and they maybe bring something with them, I'll take you somewhere you can enjoy. By the way, how come you didn't go with them?[/color][color=]
Shadow: I don't know, that place means nothing but trouble up there.... but I think something is missing. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: like who?[/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: I don't know, but theirs someone who I forget and it aren't Maria or Gerald. it's someone else. [/color]
[color=]While Rouge doesn't know what Shadow was talking about, she got up and start going back to Master Emerald Shrine. [/color][color=]
Rouge: I'll tell you what. I'm going back Master Emerald Shrine and if you need me.... I'll fly back and stand right beside you just to keep you company, alright. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: ....alright. [/color]
So she fly back to the Shrine and in Shadow mind, he's still figuring out who else is missing. [/color]
[color=]Shadow: (....who was missing that I forgot....) [/color]
While Shadow still thinking, at the ARK. Sonic and Knuckles are in some kind of a lab room. They look around the room, seen a lot of broking thing and find some thing. When they look around the place, Sonic looked at some kind a chamber, he walk up to it, and figure if this is where Shadow got created in. [/color]
Sonic: hey, Knuckles.... you think this is where Shadow got created in? [/color]
[color=]Knuckles groaned. [/color]
Knuckles: how should I know?! I'm not an evil scientist! [/color]
When they were done looking in the room, they got out of their and Sonic look at Knuckles, fixing to talk to him. [/color]
Sonic: what's wrong with you? Knuckles: nothing.... I just don't know why we want to come back up again after for what happen. Sonic: I told you, we came here just to see what we can find and maybe bring something with us at home. Knuckles: well can we hurry up, I [/color][color=]got to[/color][color=] do something at our world while we still in this human world and this place is starting give me the creeps.[/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: .... give you the creeps, why you're thinking Gerald and maybe even Black Doom made another life form up here.[/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: well, kinda.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: well relax, it won't take long, but if there is nothing on this space ship. [/color][color=]Then[/color][color=] we'll go, okay?[/color]
[color=]Knuckles:[/color][color=] .[/color][color=]... ok..... [/color][color=]
There were done talking, they start walking but until Sonic stopped right in front of something. [/color][color=]They[/color][color=] found a mysteries door that has a sign said [/color][color=][u]Capsule Room[/u][/color][color=]. So they don't know if they go in or not. [/color]
[color=]Sonic: Whoa! ....did we been in their before? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: in the capsule room, no.... I didn't see that when ever we thought Shadow was dead. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: well, now we're going to found out what's in there now would we? [/color]
Sonic took a look at the button near the door, he trying to figure away to open it. [/color]
Sonic: but how'd we get in? [/color]
He couldn't found out the code, but Knuckles some reason got in Sonic way. [/color]
Sonic: Knuckles.... what are doing? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: I'll give you a hint. [/color][color=]
Sonic see knuckles put his arm back like he's about to pound those button to open. [/color][color=]
[color=]Sonic: oh, your not going to do what I know your gonna do? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: oh, yeah..... [/color]
Sonic was trying to warn him. [/color]
Sonic: no Knuckles, I don't think you should because these buttons might be..... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: Prepare to die button![/color][color=]
[color=]Knuckles punch the lock and he got in a shock really badly.
Knuckles: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! [/color]
[color=]And he fell down to the ground, then the door open.[/color]
[color=]Sonic: I was trying to tell you that this lock might be electric, but at lease you got the door open. [/color]
Sonic goes in while Knuckles got up with his red hair stray up and Sonic some reason stop when he first got in. [/color]
Knuckles: ahh, well how I should know that lock was gonna shock me. They need to put a warning signs before I get my self killed. Why are you not listen to me, Sonic?! [/color]
[color=]Sonic: cause look..... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: .... what in the world..... [/color][color=]They saw a strange capsule and their's more then one capsules in the room they're in. [/color]
[color=]Sonic: are these the same capsule that Shadow was in? [/color]
Knuckles took a look at one of them. [/color]
Knuckles: you got me.... I never see a frozen base before and also there's three more of those capsule, but all three are empty. Sonic: I don't get it. There's four capsules in this room, but only three are missing. Why is that? [/color][color=]
[color=]Knuckles: maybe Shadow, Maria, or Gerald couldn't make it on time because of the Military. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: it could be, but then what's in the other capsule.
[/color][color=]They looked at the forth bash, there's a computer that show something on the screen. [/color]
Sonic: hey, Knuckles! Take look at this, it says here someone is in this capsule.[/color]
[color=]Knuckles: what could it be? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: I don't know, it may be a survier or it could be.... something worse.... [/color]
Sonic doesn't know what it might be, but he's thinking about open the capsule.
Sonic: well, there's no point standing around, I say at lease open this thing. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: WHAT! Are you out of your mind? You don't know what's in that thing![/color]
[color=]Sonic: true, but now we're going to[/color][color=] find out what in it....[/color]
[color=]Knuckles: yeah, but don't you remember what happen last time? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: &. like wha[/color][color=]t?[/color]
[color=]Knuckles: like Shadow for once. First his framed you and you got in jail, then he blow up Prison Island, this whole ARK was fixing to crash tour earth and when we first saw him alive, he even tried to killed Cosmo. So how do you know that what ever is in that base might do the same thing?[/color]
[color=]Sonic: ....Knuckles.... I know making your point here, but last time, Shadow also help us and he even gave his own life for us, which we know he's not dead and He decide he will not kill Cosmo or anybody.... so if he's been nice to us, maybe what ever is in there might do the something like Shadow[/color][color=].
[/color][color=]Knuckles: alright fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. [/color]
So Sonic begin to tipping the password. [/color]
Sonic: okay, password is always this word.... MARIA..... [/color]
On the screen, the computer says access denied. [/color]
Sonic: Huh..... This is weird, the password is changed.[/color]
[color=]Knuckles: try Gerald, maybe that's it. [/color]
He tips it again with a different password, but it says the same thing. [/color]
Sonic: okay, I'll try ARK. [/color]
It says it again. [/color]
Sonic: err! I give up! [/color]
He tried everything he could, but then he also remembers something else. [/color]
Sonic: wait! This could work..... Shadow..... [/color]
He tip in Shadow's name and this time it said access allowed. [/color]
[color=]Sonic: YES! [/color]
He doesn't know the password was diffent but Sonic and Knuckles saw the Capsule was open in front of their eyes, and they see something that is unbelievable.
Knuckles: No Way! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: I don't believe it. [/color]
[color=]They saw a white hedgehog that looks like Shadow only this new ultimate life form has a [/color][color=]different gloves and shoe[/color][color=]s, strange spike on his back, and a gold ring necklace around his neck. Sonic took a good look at it and stand right in front of it. [/color]
S[/color][color=]onic: well what do you know? It'[/color][color=]s a white hedgehog. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: No kidding and here's this..... The computer said he's alive. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: yeah, I can tell because he's still breathing.... Knuckles, Prepare for the rocket. [/color][color=]Were[/color][color=] going home with this new hedgehog. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: alright! [/color]
[/color][color=]They pick him up and those two carry him all the way to the rocket, start the rocket and head back to earth so they can open the gate to their home planet. When they got back from the human world, Tails step out side of his workshop and see Sonic and Knuckles coming out from the gate. [/color]
Tails: Sonic, Knuckles, ya'[/color][color=]ll back.... how's everything going on Space Colony ARK. [/color]
Tails wake up to those two guys with the white hedgehog that they brought with them. [/color]
Tails: glad you guys came back, I probably need your.... what is that? [/color][color=]
[color=]Sonic: I think this is an ultimate life form. [/color]
Tails freak out. [/color]
Tails: WHAT! Another ultimate life form! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Knuckles: oh, yeah! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Tails: but how do you know if that thing is dangerous? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: that why I'm going to call Shadow somehow and figure if this hedgehog really is dangerous. [/color]
Tails help Sonic to carry the white hedgehog and Tails was afraid like something going to happen to them. [/color]
Tails: I just got bad feeling about this.[/color][color=]
[color=]Sonic turn around and saw Knuckles was waking away from them.[/color][color=]
[color=]Sonic: hey, Knuckles! Aren[/color][color=]t you going to help us out, just to see if that thing will wake up? [/color]
Knuckles turn his head back. [/color]
Knuckles: no way! I'm out of here, because I'm not going to stay here, and see it tries to use Chaos Control or whatever it does to me.[/color]
[color=]Sonic: alright! I guess you better things on Angel Island, right....[/color]
Knuckles: right! So I'll see you or that thing later. [/color]
L[/color][color=]ATER AT ANGEL ISLAND.[/color][color=]
[color=]Rouge just set down on top of the stairs near the Master Emerald, looking at Shadow feeling sorry for him in her mind. [/color]
Rouge: ( [/color][color=]oh, poor Shadow, just setting there all alone with no one setting with him. If only there's something that I can do for him.) [/color]
She was trying to think until her cell phone range and she answer it. [/color]
Rouge: Hello![/color]
[color=]Sonic: [Rouge is Shadow still up their?[/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: yeah, he's up here. Why is there something wrong? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [No, it's just we found something that your not believe.... so give the phone to Shadow now!] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: okay, I'll give the phone to him right now. [/color]
Rouge fly down from the shrine and land near the cliff were Shadow is on. [/color]
Rouge: Shadow! [/color]
Shadow turns around and saw Rouge like she has something important. [/color]
Shadow: what wrong Rouge.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: Sonic wants to talk to you. [/color][color=]Rouge hand over the phone to Shadow and he answer it. [/color][color=]Shadow: hello! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [hi Shadow, guess what me and Knuckles found up there!] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: no, what is it? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [well we found something that look a white hedgehog which I think it's an ultimate life form!] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: wait a second! Did you say a white hedgehog? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [Yeah, why is it dangerous?] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: no, he's a good guy. Where are you? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [We're at Tails' work shop, we decide to bring him here.] [/color][color=]
Shadow is trying to think. [/color]
Shadow: well, how is he? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic:[/color][color=] [[/color][color=]he's okay, we just found him asleep in one of the what's his name and who is he?] [/color]
So he told Sonic[/color][color=].
[color=]Shadow: his name is [/color][color=][u]Light the hedgehog[/u][/color][color=] and he's.... my brother.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [wait, you telling me this hedgehog is name Light and he's your brother?] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: yes, so I'm going over there and see him with my own eyes. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [no, no.... why don't you wait at Amy's apartment. I'll bring your brother there when he wake up.] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: her apartment....what happen to her house? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [Nothing wrong with her house, she [/color][color=]moves[/color][color=] to Station Square just for one week.] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: .... but Sonic, I thought I told you I'm not going back to Station Square again, Period. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [Why not?][/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: because I'm [/color][color=]going to[/color][color=] cost more trouble that's why and I might as well tell Light the same thing when he wakes up.[/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [Shadow.... I know you do want to go back, but some p[/color][color=]eople miss you including Chris&.[/color][color=] Please[/color][color=] [/color][color=]Shadow, just go to Amy apartment and stay there for a while longer, everything is going to be fine, trust me.] [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: err.... fine, I'll go. [/color][color=]But[/color][color=] if anything goes wrong, you know where I am. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: [great! I'll see you at the other side.] [/color]
They both hang up the phone and Shadow got up. [/color]
Rouge: so what did Sonic want? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: Rouge, youre not going to believe this, Sonic and your boy friend found my brother! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: you have a brother.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: yes, and he said my brother is asleep and I guess I have to go to Station Square? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: .... but I thought you said [/color][color=]youre[/color][color=] not going back to the other side of the human world again. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Shadow: I guess Sonic want me to go back, he probably think it won't be the same with out me around.... so I'll see you later if you're okay by your self. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: no, go right ahead. I need to wait for Knuckles anyway. Shadow: ....alright..... [/color]
Shadow started running. [/color]
Shadow: see you around, Rouge! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Rouge: Bye! [/color]
[color=]When he left Angel Island[/color][color=], He [/color][color=]was still running somewhere in the mountain thinking in his mind. [/color]
Shadow[/color][color=]:[/color][color=] [/color][color=]( I can't believe it, my best friend Sonic just found Light, I guess the Military didn't get him after all, but still if Light need to learn about this planet and the human world. I got to teach him everything before he [/color][color=]goes[/color][color=] on his own.) [/color]
While he was still running with his eyes closed, he was doing fine until he got hit by a rock and fell down, then there something got out from h[/color][color=]im, it was a bag that came from [/color][color=]Shadow. [/color][color=]Then[/color][color=] he got up in an angry way. [/color]
Shadow: dang this stupid rock! Who created these hard things anyway! [/color]
Shadow come down a bet and started running again, but without the bag he trop, and when he was gone, the bag glow like there is something coming from that bag like something powerful is in side it, but whatever it is, Sonic and his friends might be in trouble. [/color]
MAIN[/color][color=]WHILE AT TAILS WORK SHOP. [/color]
Sonic & Tails have been waiting all day to see Light wake up, they' were getting tired. [/color]
[color=]Sonic: how long has been, Tails? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Tails: 2 hours.... man for second ultimate life form, he sure can sleep this long. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: well, what do you expect.... He's been sleeping from that capsule for who know how long. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Tails: what should we do, Sonic? I mean I don't know if I can take another hour just to see this new hedgehog be awake. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: yeah, I guess your right.... we might as well do something while we're still waiting. [/color]
They walk up to Light and Sonic toke a close look at him. he grab Light's hand to chick. [/color]
Tails: what are you doing, Sonic? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: I'm taking a look at his Arm Rings. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Tails: Arm Rings? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: yeah, Arm Rings. You know those two gold rings that come out from Shadow's wrist. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Tails: oh, I didn't thought of that. [/color]
[color=]So Sonic chick both of the rings on his wrist, but they won't come off. [/color]
Sonic: hmm.... that's odd.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Tails: ....what.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: these rings on his glove won't come off, it like these rings are his glove. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Tails: then what about that thing on his neck. [/color]
Sonic toke a look at it and he see a gold ring necklace around his neck. [/color]
Sonic: hmm.... I never thought of that, I guess we can take a look at it. [/color]
So Sonic trying to see if he can get Light's necklace off his neck easily. [/color]
Tails: okay, easy now, Buddy! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: I know, Tails.... come down, I almost got it. [/color]
When he's was doing fine, the new hedgehog open his eyes a little, but saw Sonic holding up his necklace. [/color][color=]Then[/color][color=] he grab[/color][color=]s[/color][color=] Sonic arm in a very quick way. [/color]
Tails: ahhhhh! He'[/color][color=]s awake! [/color]
Light hold Sonic's arm up way high and real tight, then throw him into the ground. [/color]
Sonic: [/color][color=]ahhh that[/color][color=] hurt! Hey, new guy why did you do that for! [/color]
[/color][color=]Light got up just to look at the place he's in, [/color][color=]and then[/color][color=] see Sonic and Tails steering at him. [/color][color=]
Light: where in the world am I, this isn't Space Colony ARK.... you two, who are you and what am I doing here! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: alright, if you come down I'll tell where you are.... your in Mobius, we found you in a capsule from the other side and we got here from the gate which it's out side the window. [/color]
Light toke a peek at it from the window. [/color]
Light: is that it, that big round yellow thing out side.... [/color][color=]
[color=]Sonic: yeah, that is the gate that got us in planet earth and this planet, Light.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: .... wait, how'd you know my name.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: lets[/color][color=] just say a friend of mine knew you. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: a friend? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: yep, but enough of that. Let me show around.
He begin showing Light the hole work shop, but Light want to know who are these guys. [/color]
Light: hey, you.... I still don't know your name. [/color]
He tells him his name. [/color]
Sonic: .... Sonic.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: .... and who's the two tail fox, is he also the one who brought me here too. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: .... who him, no this is his place, we called him Tails. the reason why we call him that name because he has two tails. Tails: hi! [/color]
Sonic was starting asking question. [/color]
Sonic: so anyway, do you remember anything? [/color]
[color=]Light: kin[/color][color=]d [/color][color=]a....[/color]
[color=]Sonic: do know anybody named Black Doom?[/color]
[color=]Light: no....[/color]
[color=]Sonic: well is there anything you can remember?[/color]
[color=]Light: no, all I remember is I was at Space Colony ARK because that's the place I was born, everything was going fine until some human with gun came and destroying everything, then I lost someone I care when we're trying escape, they capture my creator, then next thing I know I got in a capsule which is where you found me and got me in this place....[/color]
[color=]Sonic: you don't say, but everything has change since you been turn out missing for years and you may have a worst time when those soldiers ruined your life and maybe lost more people that you care, but hey Light.... you can start a new life now and maybe you might even like it here, so what do you say, Light....[/color]
[color=]Light: well I guess I'll get use to this; it may even won't be so bad here.[/color]
[color=]Sonic: okay then, now that we settle this, we can take you to the one who knew you and I bet he's been waiting all day now. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: yeah, that reminds me, you still didn't tell me who is this person who actually knew me some how. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: well it kina like a surprise for you.... I think you do need to know some friends of mine before we go. [/color]
[color=]So he got out some photos to show Light. [/color]
[color=]Light: what are those? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: photos, I like to show you my friends and know them for a change. [/color]
Sonic gave the photo to Light. [/color][color=]He[/color][color=] toke a look at them. [/color]
[color=]Light: well they're all great. [/color][color=]So[/color][color=] who are they.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: okay, since [/color][color=]you're[/color][color=] already know my name and Tails, the one who wasn't here with us right now was Knuckles.... he's the red echidna who was with us, but he decide to leave. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: .... and who are these three girls.
[/color][color=]Sonic: what, you mean Amy, Cream, and Rouge. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: that's they're name, I like it.... funny I don't see you in any of these pictures. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: oh I musted forgot one, here this one has me and someone that we're going to meet. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: .... great, I wonder who this one could be.... [/color]
Light toke another look at the other picture, but this one has Sonic & Shadow, Light was shock because he saw his own brother is still alive. [/color]
Light: (.... SHADOW.... he's still alive, but what's he doing with this blue guy and where's Maria, wasn't she with him for all these years.... I gotta get out here, but how!) [/color]
Light has no idea about the way he's in, but then he heard a voice that was coming through in his mind. [/color]
Voice: ( ....LIGHT....) [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: huh, who is it.... [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: did you says something, Light? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: no, I thought I heard something. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: oh.... [/color]
[color=]Light was getting confuse, because he's been hearing somebody voice in his own mind. [/color]
Voice: (Light, destroy them!!) [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: (Whispered) who is this and why are you talking to me? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Voice: I'm just a friend trying to help you.) [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: why you want to help me? [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Voice: (because this blue hedgehog has done something to your brother, so if I was you, I better get out of here by destroying these two first and then go back to the world you came from right now!) [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: whew, I guess I have no choice. [/color][color=]
[color=]He doesn't really want destroy them, but he has any other choice, either it between him or Sonic's, so he's trying to figure out a plan to get out untile he see there were golden rings lying on the table which now he has a plan. [/color]
Light: so the friend you where talking about, you must meant Shadow. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: yeah, that's really him. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: great, so where does Amy live. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Sonic: well she move to an apartment in the human world, but she not gonna be gone forever, she just going to spend there for a week. [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: oh, well I guess things have been change since I was gone.... speaking of change, you guys want to see something. [/color]
[color=]Sonic and Tails don't know what Light's talking about, they figure what the heck. [/color]
[color=]Sonic: um.... sure, what is it?[/color]
[color=]Light: you'll see, do have a Chaos Emerald?[/color]
[color=]Sonic: ... Chaos Emerald....[/color]
[color=]Light: yeah, you know those little shiny rocks that have the power to rule the world and there's only 7 of those emerald.[/color]
[color=]Sonic: well yes I do. [/color]
Sonic got out a blue Chaos Emerald.
Sonic: I found this one near waterfall while I was running.[/color]
[color=]Light: may I see it?[/color]
[color=]Sonic: what are you going to do?[/color]
[color=]Light: you'll see.[/color]
[color=]Sonic: .... okay then.... [/color]
Sonic gave the emerald to Light and he'd smiled. Light hold up the emerald and he's doing something they never seen before.[/color]
When he said that word, there is big shining glow cover around him. Sonic couldn't see anything because the glow is too big then it stop and Sonic saw his twin self standing in front of him. [/color]
Sonic: ahh! You're me.... how did you do that, and what happen to the emerald?![/color]
[color=]Light: it's inside me, that's what happens when I said the magic word.[/color] [color=]Sonic: wow! Now your brother didn't tell me you do something like that![/color]
[color=]Light: well guess what, I can.... now if you excuse me, I better get going.... FAKER! [/color]
[color=]Sonic: what did you just call me? [/color]
Light ran up to the rings and pick up one of them from the table and use the same attack that Sonic been doing with it. [/color]
Sonic: hey, Light.... what are you doing with that?[/color]
[color=]Tails: Sonic, I think he's trying to kill us.[/color]
[color=]Sonic: what makes you think that?
[color=]Light use the ring and did the spin dash, but he missed them but he's still keep on going for more until he's head tour the air tanks. [/color]
[color=]Tails: he heading tour the air tanks, what are we going to do?
[/color][color=]Sonic: we're going to jump off this window![/color]
[color=]Tails: you got to be kidding![/color]
[color=]Sonic: you got a better id.... [/color]
Light hit the air tanks before Sonic and Tails were about to jump off the window, but they got blown up, then Sonic & Tails thrown out at the window from the work shop. then they land on the ground and feel the pain from that explosion. Light jump out of the window and see Sonic stand up with pain they got. [/color]
Sonic: err, you just did that explosion on prepare, did you?! [/color][color=]
[/color][color=]Light: a course I did. Now get out my way. [/color]
Light ran up to gate, tipping the button and gate is open which Light is going through it, but before he's about to leave, Light fixing to tell Sonic. [/color]
Light: look here, Sonic.... just because your a hedgehog just like me doesn't mean I don't trust you or anybody in this planet and the next time I see you again, you better be ready, cause I will not go easy on you or your friends.... see around! [/color]
Light jump through the gate way and Sonic doesn't know what he got himself into, he can't figure out of went wrong with the white hedgehog. [/color]
Sonic: ( I gonna get him for that, why the heck did Light cost that explosion.... I'll think later, I need to go to the human world and find Shadow, I'm afraid he's not gonna like this.) [/color]
End of Chapter 1 [/color][color=]


Comments (3)

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lucky7009 on August 7, 2007, 5:52:16 PM

lucky7009 on
lucky7009i like this... just one tiny problem... then again its not even big but... i have an fc named light. and he's a hedgehog... but he was born in his super form and he isn't related to shadow...